In response to the article in the Examiner:
Dr Gonzo you are correct. A lot of the cab drivers want to be separated from the SFMTA, we can not achieve this without public support. Come join the protest planned at 12:00 noon on May 17th (Tuesday). As a cab driver I put in almost 66.00 in gas last night, when I started in 2004 the same car the gas would have cost 23.00. That's an increase out of my pocket of 43.00 just to drive people around the city per shift. In addition cab cab companies have received a few rental increases meaning more money in there pockets, and while SFMTA got 9 million and some change last year alone from the San Francisco Taxi Industry.
Let me respond to DRF, and Davidd8000. Both of you should maybe find alternate transportation methods (that in fact would lower our costs of operation). We do not have control over some of the issues you bring to light. In fact your ignorance of the issues are displayed in your comments. The SFMTA will continue to milk the drivers and passengers of money unless the public understands the issues and supports the drivers in their efforts. The drivers need the increase because we don't make a lot of money driving a cab and are for the city of San Francisco intention call us Independent contractors. There are existing charges the drivers pay that are no longer necessary by the cab companies. The cab drivers have asked for the removal of these charges but the SFMTA said it is hard to take back something they have given to the cab companies. If the charges I speak of were removed from the cab companies we might not need a drastic increase. The drivers are not the problem here folks. The greed of the SFMTA and the Cab Companies is overwhelming. But yet I see comments on here that indicate it is the drivers fault. The driver has no control over our rising costs. Maybe some frustration should be directed to the appropriate places.
As for tipping, people do not tip at appropriate levels here in San Francisco for the cab drivers. DRF if you would have been tipping in the first place because of the high gas prices we would not be asking for the increase!
Once again the SFMTA makes over 9 Million fromt he taxi industry and yet the San Francisco Taxi Drivers do not have:
Health Insurance
Safe work environments
Drivers in some cases are not covered by insurance while they drive and are excluded from the cab companies insurance including unisured motorist
SFMTA neglects enforcing we have air bags in taxi's to protect the driver and passengers.
The frustration should be directed at the SFMTA and Cab Companies for being so greedy!