You can track your ride from the moment the driver accepts your fare & we'll show the Cab's color scheme along with the car number, so you can sit back and relax knowing your Taxi is on the way.
Sign up for Taxi Mojo today, its free and easy to use:
What is Taxi Mojo?
Taxi Mojo is a mobile Taxi marketplace: we match up Taxi orders with local drivers and we provide real-time status updates to both drivers and passengers.
Our commitment to Taxi Mojo Passengers is to make Taxi booking easy and stress-free.
Our commitment to Taxi Mojo Drivers is to help them stay productive day-in, day-out, whether during rush hour or on a slow day.
How does it work?
The second you place your order from the application, Taxi Mojo takes over and starts hunting for the best possible driver available, while keeping you updated every step of the way. You can look up the status of your ride at any time in the application, or you can go about your business and rely on the notifications we will push to your phone whenever there is a meaningful update to your order.
Does Taxi Mojo vet Taxi drivers?
While we do our best to make sure that we send you Drivers with a good reputation & legitimate credentials, think safety first and don't get into a car if you have reasons to think the cab company or the driver are not legitimate (e.g. the car doesn't have proper markings).
Is my data safe?
Yes! All sensitive information between your phone and our servers is SSL-encrypted, and we only keep minimum amount of data necessary to provide you with the best possible experience. In particular, payment information is 100% handled by PayPal, we don't even need to know what your PayPal email address is!
About Bounties
What is a Bounty?
A bounty is a reward for the driver who picks you up within 10 mins of your order. Use bounties to jump the lines when taxis get busy on Sat & Fri nights!
How much is a Bounty?
The amount is typically $10 to $20 depending on location and time.
Why should I ever use a Bounty?
Taxi drivers are independent workers, for every new fare they make a 'yay' or 'nay' decision depending on how attractive the fare is. If you're out of the way or you need a cab during rush hour it could be a long time before a driver agrees to come pick you up. That's where the Bounty comes in: an additional $10 to $20 will help tip the scales in your favor, and you'll be on your way when everyone else is left stranded.
How does a Bounty work?
Before you can use Bounties, you need to pre-approve payments from your PayPal account (see 'Rush Options' on the order screen).
Once payments are approved, Taxi Mojo starts a 10 min countdown immediately after you submit an order with a Bounty. We then use GPS to track the progress of the approaching driver: if the driver reaches your pickup location within the time limit, your PayPal account is automatically charged for the Bounty amount which gets paid out to the driver.
Taxi Mojo will prompt you explicitly before sending an order with a Bounty so you'll never get charged accidentally.
Does a Bounty count as Tip?
If you're happy with the service provided, you should still pay a tip on top of the fare as you normally would. The Bounty compensates the driver for driving on empty to come pick you up, and the s/he will still be expecting a tip for good service.
What happens if I cancel a fare?
If a driver has already accepted the fare, we notify the driver of your cancellation immediately. Note that if you cancel a Bounty fare before the timer is expired, the Bounty will be paid out to the driver to compensate for his time and your PayPal account will be charged accordingly.